it’s off to work we go

So I get picked up and escorted to my two hour lecture, have a bit of a break with a side of primary care physician (“oh hai! doc. I know you’ve only seen me three times in twenty years. Nope, it isn’t bronchitis.”), and a four hour evening class. There’s a pesky 8 am class tomorrow, but that is so eighteen hours from now. I shall admit a worry about …

and the village came

It was crazy. I had my phone. This is how I let people know what was going on. Over a hundred people commented and wrote and wished me well. This is just a snapshot of it all. It’s worth remembering. There can be a later post about social structures and how technology allowed for this to happen. But for now, I was and am well cared for and loved.

I want my swagger back

The dreams have such vivid color; such urgency. There are places to go and things to do and I am late. Such a contrast to this slow motion lurch to stand. I actually have to think about walking. Turns out, this is both tiring and trying. That the brain is capable of doing these things is crazy. That I am back to being a one year old is also crazy. …

back – ish

Yesterday is a tired blur. There was that discharge. Said goodbye and thanks to all the nurses. Hope the crazies are not so much. They really were good. Never EVER take insurance for granted if you’ve got it. There was never a question of can-I-afford-this? No one should ever have to worry about it. See? This is me not leaning right. There was an exhausted sleep for two hours. It …

fixin’ ta go

Today’s milestone…I get to shower! my face is symmetrical I close my eyes and feel like I am tilting to the right. Glad of the chair. Wonder if this is something I’ll need to do at home? Do I even have a chair that could go in the shower? That, and conditioner is seriously underrated. I am given a bottle of something that is a combination of soap, face soap, shampoo…maybe …

I wanna go home

It’s late. There’s a crazy person out there saying something about “I have to go home”. The voice is of an adult woman. The content is that of a scared child. A bit of a disconnect. Trying to sleep. Catch a few non-contiguous hours. Woke up enough to ask for tylenol and if it’d be okay to turn off my neighbor’s tv. (It’d been going non-stop all day and they’re …

a little less auto curvy

Liz dropped off my laptop. Any further typos are my own fault. So, yeah. Thoughts of dancing in the MRI. Really lovely sounds. Here is the ebb and flow of the day. Do something. Wait a few hours. Someone looks at the results. You get the results. Something else is tried. Touch nose/walk back and forth dance. CT scan. More Dancing. MRI. Somewhere in there is sleep, and posts. Late …

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