Is this even cornbread any more?

In an effort to play the don’t-kill-Cody game, I searched for a non-dairy cornbread recipe. I made so many replacements, I think I have something like a cornbread/bibingka recipe. So this is not only non-dairy, but also gluten free (because I didn’t have wheat flour). 1 1/2 cups yellow cornmeal 1 1/2 cups rice flour 6 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt …

oh hell no

Last Friday I went to the gym. It’d been a forever. Got on the scale and read one hundred forty-frickin’ two. Unacceptable. Poor Cody. I went to the pool to meet him. He was dawdling by the edge screwing up the gumption to face the temperature change. (His body doesn’t do well with such fluctuations). I might have said some greeting. I think it was more like a grunt. I …

The way it goes

Etching is a destructive process. You take the metal plate and protect it. Then you scratch it, scuff it, make it vulnerable. You drop it in acid and the exposed parts get eaten away. The plate is cleaned. Whatever protection it had is dissolved. Ink is rubbed into the grooves, the pits, and scars. The smooth parts don’t hold the ink. The surface is wiped. The rag hits the high …


I’d purged all of the pictures that would trigger memory. There is an order to forced forgetting. But there he was embedded in a scene, this ghost. What is this curious lack of feeling? Just a callous over what was once a spot rubbed raw.

Moments of Purpose

In some ways it’s like back to being in my twenties. I don’t think those in their twenties realize how very young that truly is. Back when I thought I could change the world, back when each step mattered, that this man would be the one for the rest of my life. There is no rest-of-your-life. There is just life in all its meandering painful surprising ebb and flow. There …

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