Still not doing that thing that I’d hoped would happen. Meaning going and writing regularly.
Since doing status updates by just talking into my phone, that’s been pretty good. I haven’t actually read anything I’ve written in the last 6 months.
So I got my other hip replaced now a week ago and a day. Wow! I don’t remember anything that happened the first time around. For that reason this is going to be a note to Future me next time I go in for surgery.
Joe, I was telling people yeah the last time I got my other hip done it wasn’t that big a deal. Here’s the real deal, it hurts! First day I am drugged up and I sleep. I wake up. Surgery is all done. I don’t remember getting a spinal anesthesia thing which is good. And the opioids are working to dull the pain and it isn’t that bad as far as I can tell.
Dear Future me, so the pain will be managed. You don’t like oxycodone. It will make you puke or at least feel very nauseous. You probably will puke at least once. The first two days will be a combination between pain management and trying to just be awake. So you think you can go back to work immediately because you’ll be lucid. It is true that you will be lucid. You will not be awake.
Here’s the upside. After the first 4 days I didn’t really need any more oxycodone. It has gotten to the point where I take it at night so I can sleep through the evening. The rest of it I can handle some Tylenol and some ice and it’s pain but it’s doable. I am surprised by how much mobility I have today. Let me iterate. Today. That was one week to get from having to move my feet by having my toes inch along like a worm to drag my foot behind it and also being unable to lift my foot 2 in to now where I can actually kind of walk. Putting weight on my leg is not awesome but hey I can do this.
So, dear future me, you will not immediately be okay with in a day, not 2 days not even 4 days after coming out of surgery. But it’ll be all right.
Sending you best wishes for smooth recovery.