fixin’ ta go

Today’s milestone…I get to shower! my face is symmetrical I close my eyes and feel like I am tilting to the right. Glad of the chair. Wonder if this is something I’ll need to do at home? Do I even have a chair that could go in the shower? That, and conditioner is seriously underrated. I am given a bottle of something that is a combination of soap, face soap, shampoo…maybe …

I wanna go home

It’s late. There’s a crazy person out there saying something about “I have to go home”. The voice is of an adult woman. The content is that of a scared child. A bit of a disconnect. Trying to sleep. Catch a few non-contiguous hours. Woke up enough to ask for tylenol and if it’d be okay to turn off my neighbor’s tv. (It’d been going non-stop all day and they’re …

a little less auto curvy

Liz dropped off my laptop. Any further typos are my own fault. So, yeah. Thoughts of dancing in the MRI. Really lovely sounds. Here is the ebb and flow of the day. Do something. Wait a few hours. Someone looks at the results. You get the results. Something else is tried. Touch nose/walk back and forth dance. CT scan. More Dancing. MRI. Somewhere in there is sleep, and posts. Late …

more things not planned

“are you claustrophobic?” “naw” seems a no brain we. Note the auto curvy continues. “will you be cold?” They swaddle me in a blanket. They put plugs in my ears. They put blocks next to my head so it doesn’t move. They put a plastic hood I’ve it all. The re is a rubber panic ball in my right hand. They slip me like a lozenge into a thudding hole. …

well, this wasn’t part of the plan

So I am writing this on my phone. Terribly tempted to call whatever auto correct that happens poetry. Yesterday I woke up Wut. Rewind Friday , came back on a red eye from San Francisco nursing a four day old headache.I say this because we are now in the land of why. There was the armpit at sleep and the straining of an already strained neck.the was the wearing of …


Landed. Crashed hard. Gabriel almost bowled me over with the force of his welcome hug. That felt good. Everything else is kinda blurry. Slept, awoke. Catching up with mail and packages. Nothing deep. Got no deep in my head right now. But I do have shiny. Hey! The dress arrived. It required the help of Aidan and Gabriel to zip me into it. It is an actual bandage dress. For …

Notions while on the periphery of conversation and consciousness

Not a bad set up. The lighting is decent. Wish I had a lav or directional mic. Michael Clark, Alex Levinson and Spence Thompson hung out long after the camcorders stopped. “If you want to hit any parties, you should go now.” Naw. The convo is good. No need for more drinking. We were well fed. I fell asleep in fetal position on the chair while intent voices rose and …

At The Tempest

Taylor Plympton, Nick Bowlin, Brad Bambara With so many of these students, I get this feeling I’m getting in on the ground floor of something really good. Students become friends. These guys? Friends. *Just finished interviewing them for a project…did I mention thoughtful? Passionate? Genuinely nice? Me and Spence Thompson I backpacked Italy and Prague with this guy. While we traveled together, we also did a lot of things apart. …

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