ENTRY # 69
I’m driving Betty Lou, my Renault hatchback. (You already know this can’t be good). Its raining. Then snowing. Icing. (Not like a cake thang). I have to get to my certification exam. The car runs into a ditch…many adventures in trying to get to the damn exam… I finally arrive at the room.
“Wheres the exam?”
A woman replies, “You’ve already taken it.”
“I have?”
“Yes, and you passed everything.”
“I did?”
“But you failed…because you’re fat.”
Sheila, sheilat@mac.com,, 1059061566, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, Betty Lou is still going out tonight, if only in your dreams. Ill never forget her, and you banging on the headliner in rhythm to Kate Bush. Ah, memories!
Elouise, ero@it.rit.edu,, 1059062994, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, For a shit car, she was pretty good. And she did have a great bass tone to the roof, nice scratching ability too.
Brendyn, bwa5099@it.rit.edu, http://soblog.thatbigdog.com, ,, 1059071048, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, was it wrong of me to laugh at that “but you failed because youre fat” line? If it was, I didnt do it. I have dreams like that sometimes. 3 weeks, elouise, and I get to come back to RIT 🙂
-g., gerald@lawley.net,, 1059108089, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, If you could see vocabulary in your dreams, as I do, you would know it was “…but you failed because you’re PHAT” The woman was extremely jealous of you.
Elouise, ero@it.rit.edu,, 1059138355, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, G, Ive returned to this post a couple of times in the last day. It makes me laugh out loud every single time…Not the least because I hear you saying it when I do. (In my head youve got great timing). Thanks, dude.