ENTRY # 23 <style sheet into this very page. The code remains the same, the only thing that has changed is the external .css file.
- Does this affect credibility of the site
- Does this affect my sense of the personality of the communicator / designer?
- Which one speaks to me the most?Theoretically, if content is paramount, your perception of the site will not change despite any design selection. Does it? Another interesting exercise is to look at Strange Bananas random CSS generated site. Every time you visit the site, or even refresh it, youll get an entirely different site. Again, the content remains the same. The look and feel, changes radically. Tomorrow. Part II. The Internet cocktail party
Brendyn, bwa5099@it.rit.edu, http://www.rit.edu/~bwa5099/blog/, ,, 1056583699, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, Oh, you mean Elouise Oyzon, yeah, I know her. The innovative artist turned techie? The one who draws metaphors between seemingly unparallel things? Sure, shes great. I’d recommend her for HCI anytime 😉
gerald@lawley.net,, 1056585775, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, You wrote: “And the dialog has these requirements, that someone is communicating, and that someone is listening”. I think that pretty much defines a monologue or a speech or a lecture. Dialog would have to include at least two people talking and listening to each other. Tagalog, on the other hand, would be you talking and me hearing, but not understanding. I did, however, download a Tagalog translator the other day so I could understand a comment in one of your posts.Elouise, ero@it.rit.edu,, 1056659798, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, True – Ill work on that line. Main thing that I want to imply is that there is a kind of two way communication taking place. Ultimately the user does respond, although in a different mode.
gerald@lawley.net,, 1056672395, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, Maybe a “trialogue”?
Elouise, ero@it.rit.edu,, 1056680760, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, That sounds like a word game with serious consequences…
Francois Lachance, lachance@chass.utoronto.ca, http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~lachance/jardin/html/blogTEI.htm, ,, 1084151187, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, Reading this June 25, 2003 entry in conjunction with the “keeping honest” entry from March 15, 2004https://weez.oyzon.com/archives/000831.html I think the order of “user, designer, website” can be interpreted as telling a story of anticipating the user. The design process in this case imagines a reader and tailors a construction to meet that image. Another story can be told by a listing like “designer, website, user” that can tell among other stories that of the creator expressing themselves by producing a product which a user then interprets. “designer user websDesigner offers a selection from which the user chooses and thus the website takes shape. This is the story that can make of the other two subplots. The user, as a reader, can reconstruct the pattern that the designer projected into the image of the user to create the website. The user as reader can also experience the website as an artefact of authorial expression. Some readers will access the HTML markup. Some readers will run a site through voice synthesis. Some will write and apply their own stylesheets.