ENTRY # 90 Aidan, is so Filipino in this particular aspect. When someone lifts a camera, he flings himself in front of it – usually with tongue out, or doing moose horns, or…

My cousins? Someone whips out the Nikon and its like that last scene in “The Longest Yard”, in slow motion I can see them running their hands through their hair, leaping over babies and furniture, fixing their best-picture faces and landing in an always spontaneously though beautifully arranged dog pile.

Note: Im not in the picture. But theyre beautiful, arent they? Additional disclaimer – blog ethics considered, the above dogpile was taken at a wedding 2 years ago, not the recent weekend. Same folk, bride is one to the left instead, different clothes, but pretty much like that otherwise.
jim, jmcmurtrie@fusionproductions.com,, 1063309678, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, my own Filipino joke – developed from a news article about asian gangs in Seattle: Did you hear about the Filipino gang in Seattle that kept getting caught? Every time they saw a security camera – they posed! (pocket rimshot)