damn (in a good way)

ENTRY # 61

A beautiful day.

The boys angelic – because theyre still asleep. (All sleeping children are angels).

Leisurely dress, and everything I wear, like magic, looks good. The planets have aligned and my hair is disheveled in a perfect just-mussed-enough fashion. And I have the body of the self-righteous gym maniac…or at least, gotten back to the point where Im seeing a difference. So its, “Damn I look good” day. Hope its a damn you look good day too.


Brendyn, bwa5099@it.rit.edu, http://soblog.thatbigdog.com, ,, 1058316637, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, Actually, it was an I feel like, and dually believe i look like, shit day… BUT, while I was tweezing my eye brows, and had finished the task, and had casually glanced in the mirror…I couldnt help but mutter “oh yeah, youve still got it” as I sauntered from the bathroom… So, for me, its a recovered “Ive still got it” day 🙂
Sheila, sheilat@mac.com,, 1058323015, 2004-05-16 20:41:18, Damn Sheila, you look awful! Are you okay? Thus was my refrain. The heat had eroded the last of my energy, to the point where a refreshing shower was instantly rendered moot. Sweating, I walked upstairs and dressed myself for the first time of the day. It was 8 pm. He dropped by at 8:30, bearing a wrapped gift and card. My fog addled brain barely grasped the lengthy enclosed letter. The package contained a favorite CD Id for which Id been pining. I popped it in the CD player and got him a beer. We sat with comfortable distance between us. We spoke of shared musical interests. Finally realizing my malaise, he rose to leave and grabbed me for a hug and quick kiss on the lips. The next day, he called to tell me how gorgeous he thought me. I re-read his card and knew it was time to have a polite verbal “Dear John letter” conversation with him. His love for me unrequited, I wish him no hurt. I only want for him to find a woman deserving of his loving nature. Tomorrow, I will have to tell him that I am not that woman. I will thank him for all he is to me, and I will thank him for telling me how good he thought I looked. But damn, I looked awful!

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