I do it

Mom is on a train for the city. It has been fabulous having her here. Tona was right to put it in this context, “How would you feel if one of your kids was seriously hurt and they said, ‘I’m fine. You don’t have to take care of me.’?” So, I said, “Please come and take care of us.” And she did. The reason mom is great, beyond the house …

good morning sun

  Is this thing working? Thought (generic)Ambien was supposed to knock me way out. Up at 6:30. Got me through 3 AM. Good enough. Able to turn to see the clock, relieved that what I saw counted as real morning although the light was still purple, I ran through the day before it happened. There is that future imperfect again. More flawed planning of non-existent things. The real thing, my …

I’ll take a sleeping pill, please

Yesterday was a mess. A B Here is a bunch of two and three hour bits of fitful sleep. (As in full of fits, not as in would-be-fit-as-a-fiddle-if-you-got-one-of-these). Here is a generic ambien induced straight eight hours of maybe-snoring-maybe-muttering-but-I-didn’t-gain-consciousness-so-I-don’t-care. Having seen the two, I will take B any day. Stuff happened. As I told Sela, “The how-does-all-this-work is a crazy state of being, isn’t it? I keep getting sideswiped by …

creme brulee

Connor requested creme brulee for his birthday dessert. Crazy simple, really. Simmer 1 quart of heavy cream plus flavoring (in this case 1 tablespoon vanilla) to just boiling. Turn off and let rest. In the meantime, whisk 6 egg yolks and 1/2 cup of sugar (I used brown) Slowly add cream to egg and sugar mixture, stirring all the while. Divide among ramekins, or in my case a whole bunch …

brain dump and how I need to sleep

Told my kids (the students that is) that part of the creative process was not to edit. Just put it alll down. It will likely be crap. That’s okay. woke up at three in the morning, my head buzzing. It does that. Alcohol over a dinner celebrating that I exist was not enough to make me sleep through the night, no matter how delicious mixmaster Tim can make it. It’s …

it didn’t happen

Subject I Past tense conditional could have should have would have then there would be a past tense verb. But what’s weird is that there would be a past tense verb (she whispers, “died”) that never happened. Conjugation is such an odd thing. That there could even be a past tense for a non-occurrence. Future conditional is also an oddity. Conditional may just be a waste of thought. It is …

a receding blotch

Superstitiously, I look at the fading bruise on my arm. It doesn’t hurt at all. It looks pretty bad. This is a metaphor for all of it. After each soporific round, I’m better able to navigate from one end of the room to the other. After each round I look at that bruise and see it diminish just a bit. When it is gone, I’ll be able to walk again …

in defense of facebook (or why I am not an asshole)

So Jezebel posted “The More Facebook Friends You Have, the Bigger Asshole You Are“. Granted, she quotes a study regarding a small number of college students who happen to show narcissistic tendencies. She clearly hates narcissists. She possibly hates young people. Probably hates facebook. That’s a lot of generous qualifiers to give someone who made a sweeping title that would suggest I am an asshole. For the record, as of …

Like Food for Pinay

…as opposed to Pinoy …as opposed to “Like Water for Chocolate“…for any of those who don’t get any of these references, nvm. Clearly, mom is here. Breakfast of tocino and rice. Yesterday was champorado and bacon. In the fridge are containers of adobo, sinigang, and tinola. I’m good for at least a week. We measure time in meals. That being said, bite it Matthew Kampschmidt. My cholesterol is 94! You …

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