
Picture the Impossible

Just Press Play

Just Press Play


Like dieting, the commitment to write daily vs I will write more is like the difference between I’m going vegetarian vs I am reducing how often I eat meat. Just the idea of wiggle room gives me an out. So, not writing every day – just happy that I am. GDC conference as a LARP: So we got all these different characters wandering around with their own motivations and objectives, …

Strike that balance

I admit to getting overwhelmed at Wegmans Supermarket. So this conference, the people, the sensory overload is definitely a thing. Eustress is opposite distress…like you’re stressed out but it’s positive, like the myriad alums who I am glad to see have landed; who are now my peers and friends; like going to sessions and getting knowledge bombs thrown at me as friendly fire. So I am beginning my day at …

Obligatory cheese sandwich post

Actually, a savory scone picked up from Firebrand artisan breads at Alameda yesterday. In a hotel room noshing on said scone and hotel coffee. Feeling unashamedly fat after days of decadent eating and a day at Spirit Alley. Spirit not as in rah!-Rah!-who-s-the-shit!?: Spirit as in holy-this-is-good-gin spirit. I’m typing this travelogue on a tablet so future me might put in pictures and links to what I reference when I’m …

Want and Need

Cody is one of the few friends I sort of speak to and connect with regularly. To be honest, he actually is my only friend who I do that with. Before the pandemic, my inclination was to be insular. Feeding that hermit-like tendency with isolation – not a good look. So we see one another at an annual conference. (In Oakland right now hanging with him and the fam). He …

No Pressure

I would have thought at my age, my moods would be more even keeled. So very not. The sun is shining. Sky is blue. (Cue Bob Marley). And that is enough to give me the energy to write, and to clean house, and deal with work stuff. Conversely, those dark days really do put a damper on the soul. Not hyperbole. So this is typing (mostly) into the void, so …


Stupid cold, as I wait for the car to warm up ice on the windshield cracks and drips. The sun is shining through prismatic drops. I stop for a moment, and the world really is quite beautiful after all.

On the constraints of duty

First, I have escaped the house. It wasn’t so dire, it’s just after months living on top of one another and being alone in a crowd, really being alone was necessary. So I am at a hotel and spa with minutes before I go in for a massage. Worth it. The house takes in strays. A friend of my son’s lived with us a few months last year. Another friend …

I should visit more often

In every sense. Looks like the blog broke while I was off doing my thang. Will fix later after I finish my werk work. Erika, one of my colleagues, set up this thing called a weekly stand-up. A stand-up for those not in the know is just a short meeting where folks check in on what they’re up to. Her format is: proud, concern, lesson and fun. The nature of …


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