it didn’t happen

Subject I Past tense conditional could have should have would have then there would be a past tense verb. But what’s weird is that there would be a past tense verb (she whispers, “died”) that never happened. Conjugation is such an odd thing. That there could even be a past tense for a non-occurrence. Future conditional is also an oddity. Conditional may just be a waste of thought. It is …

a receding blotch

Superstitiously, I look at the fading bruise on my arm. It doesn’t hurt at all. It looks pretty bad. This is a metaphor for all of it. After each soporific round, I’m better able to navigate from one end of the room to the other. After each round I look at that bruise and see it diminish just a bit. When it is gone, I’ll be able to walk again …

in defense of facebook (or why I am not an asshole)

So Jezebel posted “The More Facebook Friends You Have, the Bigger Asshole You Are“. Granted, she quotes a study regarding a small number of college students who happen to show narcissistic tendencies. She clearly hates narcissists. She possibly hates young people. Probably hates facebook. That’s a lot of generous qualifiers to give someone who made a sweeping title that would suggest I am an asshole. For the record, as of …

and here is where we get technical

Pretty. Not just pretty cool. I might be taking an umbrella to my heart. So here is the diagnosis… A Hole in the Heart – Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) When a person has stroke or transient ischemic stroke (TIA) “out of the blue” with no obvious risk factors, doctors often check to see if the event was caused by a “hole” in the heart called a patent foramen ovale (PFO)? About …

it’s off to work we go

So I get picked up and escorted to my two hour lecture, have a bit of a break with a side of primary care physician (“oh hai! doc. I know you’ve only seen me three times in twenty years. Nope, it isn’t bronchitis.”), and a four hour evening class. There’s a pesky 8 am class tomorrow, but that is so eighteen hours from now. I shall admit a worry about …

I want my swagger back

The dreams have such vivid color; such urgency. There are places to go and things to do and I am late. Such a contrast to this slow motion lurch to stand. I actually have to think about walking. Turns out, this is both tiring and trying. That the brain is capable of doing these things is crazy. That I am back to being a one year old is also crazy. …

back – ish

Yesterday is a tired blur. There was that discharge. Said goodbye and thanks to all the nurses. Hope the crazies are not so much. They really were good. Never EVER take insurance for granted if you’ve got it. There was never a question of can-I-afford-this? No one should ever have to worry about it. See? This is me not leaning right. There was an exhausted sleep for two hours. It …

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