An Every Sort of Day (14)

Awakened by a giggling toddler growling into my neck. Taking my little boy to buy Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and then bagels so we can all carbo load. Watching the big boy zip by with our neighbor, Miles. Connor runs off to play with Liam; Meet two different neighboring families while working in the garden. Jim cleans out the back yard. I plant shrubs and flowers. Sun is good. I’m more …

So When Did That Happen? (13)

Had dinner with Cathy Irving and family. Husbands, kids…all together. We ate in stages, kids plus Jess first. (Jess isn’t a kid, but is of the offspring category- as opposed to the parental unit grouping). Anyhoo…I find myself at the grown up table. The place occupied by the older generation, and wonder when that happened? Dalaga ka na! Beyond having the family checking out the boyfriend, the asking of when I’ll …

Shit Happens (12)

Tom Franklin, in comments to the previous post, says gossipping isn’t so much about sport as it is power. He writes about it in his blog. Talked about it with Liz Lawley yesterday while lifting weights. (No one was hurt, we’re getting better at multi-tasking). She rationalized that gossip has a couple of functions: Checks to see if others think the way you do Provides a way of showing what …

Still Talkin’ Shit (11)

(Originally a post in response to comments below) Hypothetical- over beers, the table starts trashing administrator flavor of the minute. Reality–this is work culture. Even if I am indifferent to administrator flava, the conversation usually starts to put me into a mindset that the place I work must be bad…which I have to actively counter in my head. Can you imagine in the middle of this trash talk – which …

Talkin’ Shit (10)

‘Hypothetically- (hell, hypothetically, it happens all the time) people talk shit. Bitch about x or y, drop innuendo about who is doing whom, gossip because talking trash is a thrill. And I don’t. Generally, don’t trash other folk, don’t want to discuss other people’s relationships. For lack of a better description- makes me feel icky. So this happens around me, and I don’t interject. Generally, don’t participate. I don’t complain …

WTT continued (9)

Got to love it when the mind works while asleep.When last left, the Metropolis sketches had yielded highly unsatisfactory results. Tried variations on the theme. Still, had a strong notion that this was the wrong direction.This last one cooked overnight, dreaming of bauhaus, and kandinsky and klee. Not exactly of the style, but definitely informed by it. More cooking to go, but the base is solid. Feels like I’m on …

What the Tech!? site redesign (8)

Summer Projects: 4\n\nThis is one…the redesign (or perhaps just the design) of the What the Tech?! website.\n\nSteve is working on site architecture, me, interface/graphic design. The starting point, conceptually, is Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis”, last of the German Expressionist Cinema offerings (the first being “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”). The film has some interesting themes: the mechanization of man as worker, and the literal mechanization of man in terms of the man-machine, …

illustration 1.0

ENTRY # 37 comments Brendyn,,, ,, 1057470901, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, layers in adobe photoshop? did you do that? its cool looking… Elouise,,, 1057495404, 2004-05-16 20:41:17, Yup, composite image of three parts: the grass, shack and kids (not mine).  

The kids are alright (5)

No musical soundtrack at the moment- just the sounds of my boys running like maniacs, spending the last of the day’s energy before being ordered to bed. I can hear them upstairs. Aidan, “Bwaaaah!” THUD. Giggles. Connor, “Bwaaaah haaa!” THUD. More giggles. They alternate bwaa-ing and thudding. I have noooo idea what they’re doing–but it sounds fun, and since there is no sound of breaking (yet), I sit here instead. …

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