It takes a village

The village cares for me. They also care a great deal for my boys. They took off for Philly. I spent the day in the room watching Avatar – the Last Airbender, napping and when Matt came back got a chance to see Andy and Kim for a bit. My story of yesterday not so interesting. Kim got to be the sole representation of any estrogen on their trip into …


Vague memories of cross country trips in hotels with kitchenettes, of sitting in the back piled on one another, of some little sibling sleeping heavily on my shoulder. Mom had a baby on her lap in the front. Three cars, a boy in each. I have no doubt Aidan was getting edified by Matt, Badger and Ed. He says he was coping. I swapped cars with Mark after the stromboli. …

Trains and planes and cars and buses characteristically evoke a certain attitude of blue – unless you have a suitcase and a ticket and a passport and the cargo they are carrying is you I can hear the train. Whenever I do, I hear that song. It’s time to go.

The inner circle

Lucky enough to have all my regulars in my regular place. These are the people I call when I have made too much food, when I have found something stupid on the internet, when I just want to sigh and get some sympathy. These are the ones who cost no mana. These are the ones with whom I do absolutely nothing in total silence and it’s okay. Funny when all …

Tip number four

4. Every sentence must do one of two things-reveal character or advance the action. –8 Tips on How to Write a Great Story, Kurt Vonnegut So at this point, the wake up call has happened. She is 49 years, 8 months and 21 days – just so we know what o’clock she is at. I am not quite sure how to advance the action. Fifty seems like a good number …

in this next half century

‘Oh, don’t go on like that!’ cried the poor Queen, wringing her hands in despair. ‘Consider what a great girl you are. Consider what a long way you’ve come to-day. Consider what o’clock it is. Consider anything, only don’t cry!’ Alice could not help laughing at this, even in the midst of her tears. ‘Can you keep from crying by considering things?’ she asked. ‘That’s the way it’s done,’ the Queen said …

Mind the Gap

Never liked that disconnected feeling of too much alcohol. Maybe being one who favors the right brain anyway, the now, the interconnectedness of it all – having a little less of my already back seat driving left brain isn’t such a great thing. The left brain knows my context and remembers who and when and where I am. So not digging the disconnect that is now. Some people pay good …

touching the walls

The world did not stop without my presence. I find that reassuring. The noise level is low. Tonight is my first night alone since the incident. Well, I had one night between mom and Elaine’s visits. That was a blur.   It’s comforting. She drove me to all my classes and even sat in on them attempting to do her own work. In-between we ate decadently…that part of me was …

So, you know that thing with the sleeping pills?

There is a long list of possible side effects with the sleeping pill/generic ambien thing. Things are listed such as sex, baking, driving, walking, and other verbs…all while asleep. Apparently, I post on facebook and am capable of editing documents. I only know about the editing documents because I looked at the time stamp and it said 4 AM and have no recollection of any of it. This was a …

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