on opening

ENTRY # 2533 What if I open a box? I havent tried this before. The attic is dusty and cool. It smells like an attic, of memory. My home is a jumble, but the stack of the actively forgotten is ordered and arranged. Funny how the mind is. For this experiment I look for Beyond Care. Not a mere Dont Care Anymore. I wonder if the residual anger is telling …

stoicism is overrated

ENTRY # 1875 Wz.v1 Monkeys chitter in head screaming things like “Unworthy!” and “”Unqualified!” and “Ugly!” Wz.v1 acknowledges the nonsensicalness of monkey chitter Physical and emotional reactions are stuffed into some deep dark hole Happy face engaged Wz.v2 Monkeys chitter in head screaming things like “Unworthy!” and “”Unqualified!” and “Ugly!” Wz.v1 acknowledges the nonsensicalness of monkey chitter TO OTHER PERSON Physical and emotional reactions are allowed to vent. Happy face …

down for the count

ENTRY # 1675 The blue anteater, the white monkey and gold raccoon sit on my chest poking me. “See, I told you she was stuck.” I try to lift my arm. Its too hot. I cant move it. The blanket is too heavy. “See, I told you,” the raccoon says. I am thinking that if they would just get off my chest, then maybe I could do something. The boarder …

Rosario’s Garden 3

ENTRY # 39 “Come back!” “Come back here now! Your aunt Lil wants to see you!” Hidden under the table-clothed endtable; he watches pastel sensible shoes walk away then makes a break for the door. Out the door. Down the hall. Out the house and down the dirt drive. He looks back and sees more well dressed folk being let out of their cars, handing keys to Miles and Jed. …

Rosario’s Garden cont.

ENTRY # 36 On a shelf in the back of the room are photos of the kids. Some have accidental shots of his wife – but they were such good shots of his son and daughter. A recent addition is a black and white shot of a run down shack, two grinning kids in front, arms slung over each others shoulder. Niel and Rosario standing in tall grass. The photo …

Rosario’s Garden

ENTRY # 35 Another sleepless night. Seems thats all he has nowadays. Forget the air conditioning, in hopes the sound of the surf could bring rest, he left the window open to the sea. What he heard instead was the bar closing crowd of Harleys at 2:00. By 3:00 there was just the sea, and the hum of the air conditioner fighting to regain control of the room. Old people …

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