
It was a good day. Last full course day of the semester for me, and I can see Summer just a bit away. Teaching 4 courses, all of them on Thursdays. (Tuesdays is just three of them). Final critiques, and they did good. They really did. There were several laugh out loud moments, and some really good souls among them. It’s one of those days that I am glad to …


Write first. Title later. It’s like emotional equilibrium is some spinning top, subject to the least bit of external flotsam. The day is cloudy and dull – it slows the turn. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds – a spirited pirouette. A missed meeting, a note calling to speak but with unnamed intent – it wobbles. There are times when my belief in my stability is unshakable. Not …

Cat Got Your Tongue

Showed Connor my beholder illustration. He suggested I riff off of sayings for the posts and also for the sketches. Brilliant. That being said, I have no idea what this even means. Is it that you are apoplectic? Or just that you don’t know what to say. I wouldn’t put it past a kitty to do such a thing as to steal your tongue and bat it around. But I …


Trying to get into that state of mind where the end is less important than the doing. That eye of the beholder thing. In D and D the beholder is pretty horrifying. It’s just this giant eye that has the ability to mess with your mind. Apt I think.

With Intent

Troy reminded me of this conversation we had over a decade ago. He asked, “What is design?” Apparently, I answered, “When you do something with intent.” “So, deciding to toast my sandwich then put mayo then lettuce on is design?” “Sure. You did it on purpose? Then yeah.” So he went forth and threw a whole bunch of use cases against that definition and couldn’t fault it. After reminding me …

And I was doing so well for a while…

The animation project came to halt during some vacation visits, but more importantly because the story is not yet solid. Not to say that it is kaput, but I do have work to do and it is in the land of narrative rather than asset creation and animation. So many stories… There is much drama in the world; there is some drama in my own. I’m at the in-between that …

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