don’t knock medication
Took a pill. Slept for 12 hours. Hello! alertness and agency.
Took a pill. Slept for 12 hours. Hello! alertness and agency.
What would it take to have a brand new thought? To get knocked out of the rut of patterned response? A new environment? New input? New stimulus? It would be cheaper to recombine experience and interpret it in a different light. I did a funny exercise. So, at first blush of rewatching “When Harry Met Sally”, I cast myself as Sally (of course), and I cast C as Harry. Then …
One of the functions of the internet is to vomit random ridiculous awesomeness. And thus, the day is saved (for a while).
“Just do something. Even if it’s wrong.” That was dad. I can hear him in my head with that note of frustration. It didn’t really help at the time. Maybe it did. But I’m sure there are times a good kick in the ass is just what I need. I could use it now, since I can’t seem to get myself going. Exhausted yet unable to sleep. I hide in …
It’s nice to be asked. So, the first date is to check if there is any chemistry at all. Could there be something there? There might, rabbit. There might. Do I have the energy and ability to see if there might is more? For this one, I think I do. Baby steps. I say, “yes.”
Though felt deeply, negative emotions in the Philippines aren’t always expressed easily or in a straightforward way. “Because we are emotional, we tend to hide if we don’t feel good about a person, things or events,” said Philippines native Ulysis Cababan who works for RapidVisa in Cebu City. “We tend to keep it in, or worse, we talk about it to other people, creating gossip. I think you are not …
Relationships are work. They are. Any human interactions are. There is a cost in friction because you and another are not the same. Besides, what fun would that be? That would be somewhat masturbatory, wouldn’t it? But we bond with another because they make our lives better somehow. They give us a different way of looking at the world because their eyes are not our eyes; their view is filtered …
“How are you doing?” “Okay.” I reply. “Just okay?” “That’s plenty.” And it would be, if I really was up to the level of okay.