outside vs inside

Hate when you’re sick but you don’t look it. Just tired. Hate the word “just”. Mondays are a bit rough. The teaching until 10pm followed by the 8am class is also a bit of a stretch. Energy level was low. Still is. I can do this. Elaine, “Go to bed. I’ll take care of this.” No argument. Even though I passed the driving hurdle, glad she is here. She drove. …


At this point I’m as normal as I was, except for the need for naps every two to three hours. So this morning Liz picked me up to head to the public market with our dear friend, Sylvie (who happens to be our fabulous WoW guild mistress extraordinaire). I hadn’t met Sylvie in meat space until this past Thursday when a bunch of us went to dinner. That dinner included …

I Want to be Sedated

Twenty four twenty four hours ago… 20 minutes to make it under the wire for a daily post. The nurse explained that the sedation wouldn’t necessarily knock me out, but I wouldn’t remember anything. I’m pretty sure I was knocked out. I know I didn’t remember things. Kim took me there for my eight am appointment. She’d been singing the Ramones since yesterday when they called about this appointment. She …

a melbrookish day

Saw the neurologist this morning. Hold out your hands. I said, “This is fine, but I shoot with this hand.” (I really did.) I also did the follow the finger, stand, sit, close eyes, heel-toe dance. Kept thinking of Young Frankenstein before he put on the Ritz. It was a Mel Brooks kinda mornin’. The doctor said I am now asymptomatic. Balance is good. Tired is normal, he told me …


So my friend/chauffeur got his car back on Monday. On his way to pick it up, he dropped my car off. “Promise me you will not drive the car today.” I hesitated. “I promise.” Why the hesitation? Because I seriously considered whether or not this was a reasonable thing to ask? and would I be so foolhardy as to do it? and when would I start driving again? and… “And …


I wonder how really doable this schedule is. It may just be a stamina issue. The Monday class I adore energetically ran for the full four hours and a little over to past 10PM. I didn’t take a sleeping pill since I didn’t think there was enough time for the effects to wear off by 6:30 when I needed to wake up for my 8AM Tuesday class (which I also …

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