Margaret asked, “Why would you put into a public forum something that could as easily be private — like a diary?”
It’s a very good question. Sand on the beach, crayons and paper, chalk and a sidewalk all illicit touch and shaping. It’s a compulsion. These sketches are left uncaring as to whether or not someone views them. They exist regardless. They are made because I wanted to make them.
The same is true of these words. They are rearranged and crafted, stacked just so and chipped away and left uncaring as to whether or not someone views them. They have no real purpose other than to exist. If one happens to respond, it is a wonder that someone took note. It is a surprise that something I did arrested anyone’s attention for a bit.
This blog is a bit of a personal game. It is merely a place to put words and images. The goal is to shoot for one post a day. There are no qualifiers of quality or length or topic. As my dad once said says, “Do something even if it’s wrong.”