And I was doing so well for a while…

The animation project came to halt during some vacation visits, but more importantly because the story is not yet solid. Not to say that it is kaput, but I do have work to do and it is in the land of narrative rather than asset creation and animation. So many stories… There is much drama in the world; there is some drama in my own. I’m at the in-between that …

stranger an ex

Saw his face show up on facebook. He looks pretty much the same. A little older, his face has filled out a bit. “Would you like to friend this person?” The idea that “friend” is a verb is an odd notion. With a click of a button, we make a connection and define that there is something there. Whatever it is. Something one would admit to. Do I want to …

If I grow up

I’m gonna be an award winning animator and body builder (not a competitive one) . Summer goals: finish the script and storyboard rehab my ankle get back to being able to bench press 3 sets at 50 pounds lose an inch around my waist These are things under my control. In this way, one fights entropy. I was starting think and feel that I was old and broken. I am neither. …

people are hard

Relationships in general are bound to have friction. I’m trying this thing where I’m not quitting on a friendship. It’s work, and it is a commitment in its own way. I haven’t been good at it. Not sure I have the skills, so am kinda flying blind. Sometimes it’s very hard. Sometimes it still brings me joy. With some people it wasn’t worth the effort, but this is. Yes.

pot stirred and stoppered

There’s probably a word for this feeling in some other language. This feeling of emotion built up and stuck. “Uptight?” Nope. It’s like a pressure cooker. Last night was fitful sleep…as in I kept having fits. At one point I was certain I was being held by the shadow of a man. I couldn’t turn; couldn’t move. I told myself to wake up; that this couldn’t be real. It took …

an uncertain equilibrium

Imagine a three foot wide walkway suspended at a great height. It’s solid. But you can see over the edge the potential for a great fall. You’re in no danger, other than your own body threatening to trip you up. There’s nothing particularly interesting that you can see ahead, there’s no going backwards, and this spot is already well explored. (There is just the slate slab and joint.) That’s what …

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